Unrelated to the above picture:
An elderly lady across that lives in an adjacent apartment is currently displaying an American flag in the window with white lights around it. In the middle of the flag is her sign for Obama '08. The opposite window holds the same. It's kind of cute to think about her putting the flag up and placing it just right. In and throughout the Breckenridge area, there are numerous stop signs that have the word "Bush" spray-painted in white letters beneath "STOP." I am urged to yell "Stop, Bush!" instead of "Stop Bush!" when I apply the brakes. I would like to tell you that I only do this when Meredith is in the car with me. But I do it all the time.
Unrelated to the above paragraph:
"No, you're settling Catan," Austin says.
Unrelated to the above quote:
Listen to Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See But Cannot Feel, a new album by Atlas Sound, in its entirety here. You can also check out Black Mountain or Bon Iver. Or you could see Black Mountain and Bon Iver in Little Rock on March 11. But don't expect to see or hear Atlas Sound there. Unless they are randomly in the crowd. But they probably won't be, since they're from Atlanta. And they're probably out supporting their own album.
Unrelated to the above bit:
Second Annual Little Rock Film Festival. Bill loves the art culture that Little Rock provides. And he would love to live in a white house again.
Unrelated to the film festival:
CPA Exam Part IV, "Regulation," starring Adam Argo and the 10 keys, starting Friday morning at 8:00 am. Admission: $250.00. Feel like cancelling or rescheduling? Too bad, you have to eat the money. Don't even think about it. Oh, and by the way, go ahead and work 60 hours this week, and every week for the next 2 months for that matter, and pass the exam too. All of that at once. Yeah. Doitch! Out! Ping! Zoing! Crack! Batman punching noises!