1. "So vote once, vote tuh-wice, for Bill McKay... you middle-class honkies." Name that movie.
2. I met a man today, riding the bus. He was about six foot four. He rides the #5 West Markham bus to the doctor's hospital, transfers to the Rodney Parham bus and gets off at McAlister's where there is a game room next door. Every Wednesday night is board game night. This guy actually designs board games and plays with board games testers. "Every four or five months a new game is en vogue," he says. "We all decide, 'Ahh! I've played this one enough times,' and we move on to the next big game. We're playing this game called Puerto Rico right now that's set in 1830 and you build villages and you can grow weed or chop wood. One of the guys that plays is a mathematics teacher in North Little Rock. He likes the board games because it only takes him two or three weeks to figure out all the probabilities and then he moves on. He studies games. I don't. I'm a designer, so I don't do that." He had a nicely groomed moustache, wore khaki pants and a "wife-beater," and spoke very quickly.
He stepped on to the bus at UAMS and quickly let everyone know that the bus was "7 or 8" minutes early. You see, he rides the 6:20 bus. I quickly told him that the bus he was on was actually the 5:45 bus that was just "EXTREMELY" late due to there being several traffic lights out on Markham near the Park Plaza Mall. He responded, "Well, in
theory, this bus is seven or eight minutes
3. Tippie can run. She can run in the sunshine. She can run in the rain. She can run on a leash. She can run under the neighbor's deck, but she cannot perform simple mathematical operations.
4. Due to Gustav and his curse, LSU postponed its scheduled home game against Troy in Louisiana's state capitol this Saturday to November 15, an open date for both teams.
5. The Rose Bowl, a stadium in Pasadena, California, was the site of Olympic games in both 1932 and 1984. Its design was modeled after and influenced by the Yale Bowl (New Haven, Connecticut). Architect Myron Hunt designed the Rose Bowl in 1921 and its construction was brought to completion in 1922. Between 1921 and 1922, its construction costs totaled $272,198. It has a seating capacity of 92,542 humans. Current tenants include the Rose Bowl Game, UCLA Bruins, and the Los Angeles Galaxy. Fun fact: Depeche Mode played its last concert in front of a crowd of 80,000 humans in the Rose Bowl on June 18, 1988. I cite none of my sources.

6. Today is Charlie Sheen's birthday. Upon winning the Golden Globe Award for his performance in television series
Spin City, Charlie said "This is like a sober acid trip."
7. The National Football League resumes tomorrow. Washington Redskins vs. New York Football Giants. BAM.
8. There is a Honda truck commercial featuring Chuck Norris that says "where tough meets classy." I hate this commercial.