Thursday, October 05, 2006

Well, it has been so long it took me forever to remember my password!
A little update on our lives at the moment:
Adam has been interviewing like crazy! He has already had like, 7 interviews..and he has still more to go! We are pretty excited about all of the possibilities, though. Next week, he is going to visit some different accounting firms in tulsa and little rock, and they are even putting him up in embassy suites. wooo!
I have been studying (what's new?) and looking at a great website!) and whatnot. I need a new hobby other than studying though, because I think i do it too much. I need friends. haha. no, i just mean that I miss hanging out with girls, and I hate that nursing school has TAKEN OVER MY LIFE. But it will all be over in a few months, hopefully, and I can have a somewhat-social life. :)
I don't know if anyone reads this thing, but I would like to know how to cook/bake pumpkin.

love, Meredith Argo

1 comment:

Polly said...

meredith- i don't know if cooking/baking pumpkin is worth it. buying the pumpkin puree at the store has always worked for me. plus, i don't really like the taste of baked pumpkin...