- Rosetta Stone
- Cysts and antibiotics
- Che
- Wilco on ACL (free television)
- Laundry and housekeeping tasks
- Goose Island
- Shredded-up dog toys
- Harvey Milk
- Pecan pie
- Starcraft
- and this...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
If I could you know I would just hold your hand and you'd understand I'm the man who loves you
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sign: You Skip Soda (Even Diet)
Scientists in Boston found that drinking one or more regular or diet colas every day doubles your risk of metabolic syndrome—a cluster of conditions, including high blood pressure, elevated insulin levels, and excess fat around the waist, that increase your chance of heart disease and diabetes. One culprit could be the additive that gives soda its caramel color, which upped the risk of metabolic syndrome in animal studies. Scientists also speculate that soda drinkers regularly expose their taste buds to natural or artificial sweeteners, conditioning themselves to prefer and crave sweeter foods, which may lead to weight gain, says Vasan S. Ramachandran, M.D., a professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine and the study's lead researcher. Better choices: Switch to tea if you need a caffeine hit. If it's fizz you're after, try sparkling water with a splash of juice. By controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels, preventing diabetes, and not smoking, you can add 6 to 9 1/2 healthy years to your life.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
plus, minus, you know..
+ pumpkins. i have an infatuation, if i may be so bold. i like to look at them, touch them, bake them, eat them, and just be happy that they are here on this green earth for me to enjoy.
- babies that are discharged into foster care from our unit. i want to adopt them. adam doesn't really believe me when i say that, but you do, don't you?
+ taking Tippie for walks and not sweating my brains out.
+ did i say i am switching to the day shift? oh yeah, i did.
- cleaning the bathroom. yuck yuck yuck. i detest it with a capital D. i will do anything for you if you will come clean my bathroom. it's not really even that dirty.
+ making money at garage sale last weekend. it is always fun to sell stuff for 90% less than what you origianlly paid for it.
- people who talk about politics at work. i'm not sure why they think it won't end horribly.
oh good, there are more pluses then minuses. or maybe there are more plusi than minusi. either way, i now feel like all is right with the world.
i just looked it up. "Pluses" it is.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Friday, September 05, 2008

"Thumbs up, guys. I'm Casey Dick, quarterback of the Arkansas Razorbacks. You can purchase our game against Louisiana-Monroe on Saturday (tomorrow) through pay per view for only $34.99. Or you can buy a $45 ticket and watch the game at War Memorial Stadium (Noah's Ark) live in person. I hope there will be lots of mud on the field during the game from all of the rain so I can get dirty. Smelly, dirty, football players."
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
A brown study about bemusement, daydreaming, revery, introspection, preoccupation, excogitation, notions, rumination, deliberation:
2. I met a man today, riding the bus. He was about six foot four. He rides the #5 West Markham bus to the doctor's hospital, transfers to the Rodney Parham bus and gets off at McAlister's where there is a game room next door. Every Wednesday night is board game night. This guy actually designs board games and plays with board games testers. "Every four or five months a new game is en vogue," he says. "We all decide, 'Ahh! I've played this one enough times,' and we move on to the next big game. We're playing this game called Puerto Rico right now that's set in 1830 and you build villages and you can grow weed or chop wood. One of the guys that plays is a mathematics teacher in North Little Rock. He likes the board games because it only takes him two or three weeks to figure out all the probabilities and then he moves on. He studies games. I don't. I'm a designer, so I don't do that." He had a nicely groomed moustache, wore khaki pants and a "wife-beater," and spoke very quickly.
He stepped on to the bus at UAMS and quickly let everyone know that the bus was "7 or 8" minutes early. You see, he rides the 6:20 bus. I quickly told him that the bus he was on was actually the 5:45 bus that was just "EXTREMELY" late due to there being several traffic lights out on Markham near the Park Plaza Mall. He responded, "Well, in theory, this bus is seven or eight minutes early."
3. Tippie can run. She can run in the sunshine. She can run in the rain. She can run on a leash. She can run under the neighbor's deck, but she cannot perform simple mathematical operations.
4. Due to Gustav and his curse, LSU postponed its scheduled home game against Troy in Louisiana's state capitol this Saturday to November 15, an open date for both teams.
5. The Rose Bowl, a stadium in Pasadena, California, was the site of Olympic games in both 1932 and 1984. Its design was modeled after and influenced by the Yale Bowl (New Haven, Connecticut). Architect Myron Hunt designed the Rose Bowl in 1921 and its construction was brought to completion in 1922. Between 1921 and 1922, its construction costs totaled $272,198. It has a seating capacity of 92,542 humans. Current tenants include the Rose Bowl Game, UCLA Bruins, and the Los Angeles Galaxy. Fun fact: Depeche Mode played its last concert in front of a crowd of 80,000 humans in the Rose Bowl on June 18, 1988. I cite none of my sources.

6. Today is Charlie Sheen's birthday. Upon winning the Golden Globe Award for his performance in television series Spin City, Charlie said "This is like a sober acid trip."
7. The National Football League resumes tomorrow. Washington Redskins vs. New York Football Giants. BAM.
8. There is a Honda truck commercial featuring Chuck Norris that says "where tough meets classy." I hate this commercial.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
2008 SEC Football Regular Season Challenge
Hey football fans,
1. Download the FILE
2. Fill out your name, and your picks
3. Email the Excel file back to me [seccollegefootball@gmail.com] on or before this Wednesday, August 27
4. You can make changes to each week's games if you re-submit the file on or before the following deadlines:
Week 1: 8/27/08
Week 2: 9/03/08
Week 3: 9/12/08
Week 4: 9/19/08
Week 5: 9/26/08
Week 6: 10/03/08
Week 7: 10/10/08
Week 8: 10/17/08
Week 9: 10/22/08
Week 10: 10/31/08
Week 11: 11/07/08
Week 12: 11/14/08
Week 13: 11/21/08
Week 14: 11/27/08
Bonus : 9/19/08
You can expect an email with the results of each week to see how you fare against the other contestants.
We're getting close to the start of another exciting season of college football. It's free, it's fun, and it will make everything a little more interesting.
Questions? Comments? Shoot me an email.
I look forward to seeing your selections,
Monday, August 25, 2008
Four on the Couch

Friday, August 22, 2008
I've never laughed this hard at 7:30 in the AM
Ohhh Gennie, I don't know if you read this or not, but I thought of you when I watched this. And I laughed really hard thinking about you and your retainer. I miss you!
Amadeus! Amadeus! Amadeus!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tippie Argo
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest.
0100pm Tippie 'round tha' block
0130pm This Can't Be Yogurt
0200pm Donkey Kong Country
0300pm Pay bills
0400pm Scratch where it itches
0500pm Empty what is full; fill what is empty
0600pm I'd like to have a steak
0700pm the apartment (1960) or marie antoinette (2006)
allnightlong Sleep
Monday, July 14, 2008
Have your group of friends (if they are not your friends, they will be soon)
sit in some kind of circle. Then whoever starts the game, most likely you since you are reading about it here, will make some kind of noise of their choice. The crazier, the better. Then every single person in the room has to attempt to mimic your crazy noise. with hand gestures and all.
The Argo family likes this game.
I like the Argo's.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
For the trivia bank ...
This was the day of the first court date for the controversial lawsuit between Jerry Falwell and Larry Flynt.
This was the very same day that baby Luke Bennett was born.
Just think about it. For one minute. Think about that.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Meridian mail.
Mailbox. Please enter your mailbox number followed by the pound sign.
Please enter your numerical keycode followed by the pound sign [#].
Or, press star for the menu.
Are you still there?
That is not a correct option. Please do lots of work for money. Now hang up and do lots of work for money. Now stop everything you are doing and make lots of money.
Are you still there?
I'm sorry. That is not a correc - [44444444#######*****]
["........ dial tone ....."]
$1,094,087.64. That's when you can hang your shingle outside. That's when.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008

The brackets have been released!!! Who's excited?
Ladies and gentlemen, try your luck and make your picks in Adam Argo's 2008 Men's NCAA Basketball Tournament Contest. Here's how to enter:
Download the file and read the instructions.
Make sure you save the file to your hard drive and not just open it within the browser. It will give you some popups that look like errors that say things like "Unable to find answer_key.xls blah blah blah," but disregard the message and click through.
Questions? Leave a comment. Can't wait to look at your picks.
Monday, March 10, 2008
2008 SEC Basketball Tournament CONTEST

UPDATE: 13 people have entered a bracket. There is still time. Get yours in before noon tomorrow. Here are the contestants. If you have entered, but don't see your name, let me know!
Argo, Fred
Bell, Austin
Bennett, Luke
Bushey, James
Compston, Stephen
Habiger, Todd
Jennings, Corey
Lee, Spencer
Miller, James
Neathery, Michael
Poole, Andrew
Scivally, Robyn
Waddell, Drew
Ladies and gentlemen,
The time has now come to play and enter the SEC tournament contest!
GRAND PRIZE: Instant Fame! Here's how to enter.
1. Download the file to your hard drive.
Make sure you save a copy of the file on your computer, and not just open it in the browser.
File name: sec_tournament.xls
File type: Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
File size: 28kb
2. Pick your selections.
Make sure you pick a winner of all 11 games, including the championship. The spreadsheet will only allow you to change the cells in red. The point system is displayed across the top of the sheet. All games on Thursday that you correctly pick the winner of will be worth 1 point, games on Friday are worth 2 points, games on Saturday are worth 3 points, and the championship game winner correctly picked is worth 4 points. There is also a bonus: if you pick both teams that will be in the championship game on Sunday, you get an extra 2 points. This makes a total of 24 possible points.
3. Save the file with your picks.
Please save the file as your name.
4. Email the file to Adam [adampargo@gmail.com] before 12:00 pm (noon) on Thursday, March 13 to enter!
Have fun. Tell your friends. Go hogs go!
PS - Here are my picks:
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008
me: yeah, i don't either.
adam: does that mean we are old? because we don't get it?
me: ...
and then we were referred to as "young whippersnappers" this week.
i really like our pastor's daughter. she tells us about the maple juice from the maple tree, wants to make me earrings, and plays with the candle wax.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
"Patrick Beverly, ... probably the best motor in college basketball," the sports color analyst for Sport South said. What an animal. He is the leading rebounder for the Hogs. By "motor," it is meant that he runs like a motor. Never stopping. Just thought I needed to spell that out for you.
Also, I love this picture. Pelphrey is making his plea to the ref. Right after this, he gets down on his knees. Beautiful. Passionate.
I figured out how to take screen shots of the television. What a waste of time!
Hogs are now 12-1 at Walton. 6-2 in SEC play. Gunning for at least an SEC-West division title. Great 3 game homestand by Arkansas.
Tough week coming up. At Knoxville on Wednesday. At Starkville on Saturday.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Stop, collaborate, and listen
It's 2008. I had a conversation with a co-worker about 2008. She works in "word processing" on 25, and she is basically the manager. For the most part, all official communication with clients, be it engagement letters, management letters, financial statements, auditor's reports, etc., have to go through word processing (WP). After WP goes through it, they sent it back with corrections, you approve the corrections, send it back to them, and they print a final copy. Then, if everything checks out, a partner (owner/boss/guy-that-says-jump-and-you-say-how-high) has to release the letter and it is sent out on some really, super nice paper. Well, I noticed that someone put the wrong year on a letter that had already been sent.
"Do you know where I can find this year's engagement letter?"
"Yeah, I already sent it to you. It's attached as a word document."
"Yeah, but it says January 12, 2007."
"Oh. ..."
"Yeah, it's no longer the year of 007. You know, James Bond. It's the year of 008, the wannabe James Bond."
"You know, I think there actually was a 008 in a movie."
"Yep, GoldenEye."
"It's scary that you know that."
As much as I would love to make a top 10 albums of the year list, or top 10 movies that I watched that were not necessarily released in 2007, or a top 10 busiest airports in 2007 that I visited, I am going to make a top 10 moments to look forward to in 2008 list.
There Will Be Blood opening at Market Street on January 25
NCAA Tournament at Alltel Arena
Getting my CPA license
Second wedding anniversary
Arkansas vs. Texas in Austin
Working 2300 chargeable hours to deliver unmatched client service in public accounting
Getting my CPA license
Buying a house
Designing a critically acclaimed board game that I will sell for $1,000,000
Voting for the United States President
If there had been room for an 11th, I would have said continuing with 23 years of not wearing or buying Old Spice. If you are one of those generational Old Spice guys, that's fine. I mean, I understand that you were given Old Spice by your father to start swabbing under your arms when you turned 11, and that your father's father wore Old Spice in Vietnam, but I just can't get into it. I immediately start asking people wear (or where, rather) they are hiding the dead animal. I mean, seriously, wear (gah! where, I'm sorry that I keep using the wrong word) are you hiding the tupperware-of-leftovers-turned-science-fair-project of a scent?
I wish you all a happy and prosperous year.
Friday, January 04, 2008
2008 Razorback Football Schedule (so far and unofficial)
09/06/08 Louisiana-Monroe (Little Rock)
09/13/08 Texas (Austin)
09/20/08 Alabama (Fayetteville)
09/27/08 OPEN DATE
10/04/08 Florida (Fayetteville)
10/11/08 Auburn (Auburn)
10/18/08 Kentucky (Lexington)
10/25/08 Mississippi (Fayetteville)
11/01/08 Utah State (Fayetteville)
11/08/08 South Carolina (Columbia)
11/15/08 OPEN DATE
11/22/08 Mississippi State (Starkville)
11/28/08 Louisiana State (Little Rock)