click here to enter, play, and win!
and, if you'd like to stimulate interest,
post a link on your own blog.
p.s. am i allowed to enter my own contest? the contest outcome is completely independent of my capability, power, and authority. i think i should be allowed to if i post my entry to the general public prior to the official oskar winners announcement has been made via the telecast. i would be interested in your comments.
I entered. And I agree, "Wincing" is excellent.
Oh sure, you can enter your own contest, just don't cheat. I think that Steven Rosenblum is going to be the biggest surprise of the night. He is going to win best achievement in editing from out of no where. Is there going to be any gambling for this contest? Cuz you know that is illegal in the state of Arkansas?
Alright! Two people have entered the contest. Popularity is causing bandwidth to blow up!
I'm pondering my choices a little bit more, then I'll scorch the competition. Maybe you should put a smack talk board up on the site.
i am fond of you and your writing, but tell my dear meredith i want to hear from her more.
many, many thanks.
your friend,
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