Wednesday, February 21, 2007

when two hearts race, both win.

-dove chocolate wrapper

Tomorrow is my last day at the elementary school where I work! Or, 'have clinicals,' I guess I should say. But I should be getting paid..all in the name of education, right? haha, even though it doesn't sounds like it, I love it there and will miss it very much when I do not go anymore.

There is a movie called 'The best years of our lives' that we watched the other night. I think that it is a great movie. It was touching, sincere, sweetly funny, and it is about three different soldiers who come home from WWII and their families.

I hope everyone is having a great week. Adam is excited that you have been entering his contest.

We love you all.

1 comment:

Compston said...

and we are excited to win...I mean enter Adam's contest.